The three sisters moved into Hopewell Hub in July of 2018 with the help and support of our brothers and Dad. A grand adventure begun and shared by us all.
We each hold pieces of the vision in our passions - Dad is passionate about nutrition- especially the importance of magnesium for good health; Juliane- permaculture, the earth, education, nutrition in great food; Lynnie- art, pottery, sculpture, color!; Lizzie- theater, pottery, the garden, soccer, making things happen! The brothers add their visionary and entrepreneurial business expertise from afar at this time. Lizzie was the one who had the long time vision, resources and energy to make the Hub a reality.... she found the store while on a bike ride in the area and felt an instant connection- A connection that inspired her to acquire it and do all the initial repairs on her own in January of 2018. Well.... not totally on her own... as it was then that the magic that is the Hub began to happen. Neighbors and many others began to show up to help. We are blessed by this community spirit 'most everyday.
Our Vision and Mission
Healing and re-building Community and the Earth through co-creative activity!
Lynn Rothan (Lynnie) is a gifted visual artist working in the media of watercolor, acrylic and oil painting, clay and sculpture. A unique piece from Lynnie, even beads or a mug, will provide years of beauty in the environment where it resides, and will likely become an heirloom. Lynnie has been creating her art since the 1980s, most of this time in the Sisters / Bend area. She relocated to Hopewell in the summer of 2018 to be a core member of Hopewell Hub.
Elizabeth Rothan (Lizzie) is a dynamic actress and teacher who has been engaged in the performing arts since the 1980s in venues around the country, most recently in the Portland area. Lizzie splits her time between her artistic work (Theater 33 in Salem, etc) and teaching, develpment of Airbnbs here and abroad and work on the Hub.
Juliane DeArraya is a master Waldorf and international middle school teacher specializing in Science ( Juliane is a maestra in the realms of fiber and culinary arts. Her current areas of exploration are in permaculture, affordable and sustainable structures, and community building. Juliane brings these impulses and a scientific approach to the Hopewell Hub project. She landed back in the States at Hopewell after 7 years abroad - the last four in Khartoum, Sudan.
Matt Rothan and Russell Rothan are industrial designers and entreprenuers who have companies based in Florida (Matt- and Connecticut (Russell- Matt and Russell lend their expertise whenever possible to the Hopewell Hub project.
by DP Centers with Juliane
Robert Rothan DDS began his dental practice in Cincinnati, Ohio in the early 60's. He learned about the importance of nutrition for dental and whole body health in the early 70's. His life was dedicated to God, health and healing. He was especially passionate about the importance of magnesium to overall health.