Calligraphy is highly regarded in the world of Chinese art. It has been a means of self-cultivation and self-expression throughout Chinese history. Regular practice is considered a way to improve one’s temperament and even health. This is an introduction to basic Chinese characters and their evolution through studying calligraphy styles. You will learn meaningful and encouraging words/phrases in this artistic form, so that you can create them as gifts for yourself and your loved ones. You will also learn ways to look up Chinese words in online calligraphy dictionaries as reference.
Introduction to Chinese Calligraphy November 30 2 - 4pm $58.00 /person Class size limit: 10 people Age limit: 14 - older
In this introduction class, you will learn the basics of Chinese calligraphy, such as sitting position, correct way of holding the brush, basic brushstrokes, calligraphy aesthetics. You will also learn some of your favorite words/ phrases in Chinese writing, and combine your own design into presentable cards or artwork for your loved ones to express your good wishes to them. Materials included.
Note Potential Classes in January if there is enough interest - Learn different styles of Chinese calligraphy, including seal script, clerical and cursive writing. Learn how to use online calligraphy dictionary. Prepare blessing couplets for Chinese New Year.
May Au has been in the architecture profession for 20 years. She has practiced Chinese and other forms of art, such as painting, drawing, and pottery, for decades. She has demonstrated and distributed calligraphy blessings at the Chinese New Year Celebration at the Convention Center in Portland for several years. Her goal is to promote Chinese calligraphy as a way to achieve a centered heart and inner peace through writing and meditating on positive and encouraging words.